President Bush Signs Port Security, Online Poker Bill Into Law

According to ABC News, President Bush has signed the Port Security Bill, which includes the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in it into law as was expected.
"We're going to protect our ports. We're going to defend this homeland, and we're going to win this war on terror," Bush said.
The President made more several comments about the Port Security elements of the bill while signing it, but made no mention of the online gambling elements the bill also holds.
Upon hearing the news, this reporter attempted to sign into Party Poker, who have stated they will no longer take US customers once the bill is signed. Upon attempting to sign in, a screen appeared that said Party was down for 'scheduled maintenance'. One would assume when the scheduled maintenance period is over, Party's real money games will no longer be available to U.S. players.
We will keep you up on this breaking story as any developments unfold.