WSOP Updates - Day Four Chip Counts and Eliminations

It used to be that day three at the main event of the World Series of Poker was considered 'moving day' �C that is the day that players either rise to the top for the stretch run, or fall by the wayside, with a ticking clock next to them counting the minutes until their elimination.
This year, with the largest field ever, and multiple day twos, it appears that moving day may have just been the day four we witnessed yesterday. We have a field of 'have's' (like chip leader Jamie Gold at 3.7 million), and have nots like short stack David Woo, who will start day five with 44,000, or just over three big blinds in his stack.
Day four was a day of the mighty falling, as Daniel Negreanu rode his short stack as far as he could, but was finally eliminated in the late afternoon. Also drawing thunderous applause was defending champ Joe Hachem, who went really deep in a quest to repeat for his title. Ultimately, Joe had his Aces cracked by Jacks, and the defending champ hit the rail in 238th place, good for $42,000 and change.
Other notables that got to go home today include Ted Forrest, Cyndy Violette, Susie Isaacs, Cece Reyes, Tom McEvoy, Hoyt Corkins, Surinder Sunar, poker legend Hans 'Tuna' Lund, Kathy Liebert, Aaron 'Gamble AB' Bartley, and David Chiu �C who entered the day in the top 10 in chip counts, but ran into some back luck.
There are still some dangerous names left in the field. Online poker legend Prahlad Friedman sits in the top 10 in chip counts, while Jeff Lisandro, and top online player Eric 'Rizen' Lynch are also in the top 20. Lurking just below that top 20 line is Annie Duke, with just under $1 million in chips. Others left in the field include Allen Cunningham, and Humberto Brenes.
Although nothing has been officially announced, its clear that the main event players will get at least one more day off. Day four was supposed to be the 'start at 600, play down to 300 day. Day five should have been play from 300 to 150. This field is playing at such a brisk pace, however, that we blew right through the day five ending total before day four even ended, and currently sit with 135 players left in the field. Our guess is they will play to 60 today, and then have an extra day off, but don't be surprised if they play straight through to 27 players remaining, and then give the whole field two days off. It doesn't seem that there is 'room in the field' to get down to 27 in a reasonable days play, but the pace of bustouts has surprised everyone, and you never know what might happen.
Below is the full list of official chip counts, and a list of the people who did not make it past day four, and how much they got paid. Good luck to the players still in the tournament.
Jamie Gold $3,700,000
Max Reele $2,358,000
Jim Routos $2,279,000
Kyle Bowker $2,272,600
Michael Binger $1,889,000
Prahlad Friedman $1,558,000
Ricki Nielsen $1,388,000
Kevin Aaronson $1,354,000
Weikai Chang $1,343,000
Noah Siegel $1,283,000
Brian Hansen $1,273,000
Luke Chung $1,271,000
Dmitri Nobles $1,252,000
John Ma $1,250,000
Jeffrey Lisandro $1,208,000
Dustin Holmes $1,176,000
Eric 'Rizen' Lynch $1,085,000
Richardo Vecasso $1,050,000
Mark Garner $1,048,000
Chris Damich $1,039,000
Richard Gryko $994,000
Dan Abouaf $992,000
David Murray $991,000
Douglas Kim $939,000
Lee Kort $936,000
Annie Duke $919,000
Cuong Do $914,000
Rick Mombourquetti $911,000
Ken Jacobs $896,000
Thomas Wahlroos $884,000
Cheng Yu $876,000
Matt Wilson $860,000
Tyler Teague $860,000
Andrew Schreibman $855,000
Humberto Brenes $835,000
Tony Moretina $817,000
Brady Shepard $808,000
Fred Goldberg $791,000
Kevin Odonnell $789,000
Lasse Ubostad $782,000
Clint Brotherton $760,000
Alan Resh $709,000
Chris Keay $708,000
Dan Nassif $702,000
Alex Balandin $681,000
Mitch Schock $674,000
Erik Friberg $650,000
Paul Raeburn $646,000
Pat Dattilo $638,000
John Magill $636,000
Anthony Fagan $634,000
JeanHoule $629,000
Kevin Daly $622,000
Hossein Khodabandelou $621,000
Justin Diamond $608,000
Marcello DelGrosso $607,000
Richard Lee $606,000
Scott Malonie $585,000
Sam Khoueis $576,000
Rob Roseman $576,000
Steven Goodemote $569,000
Siddharth Jain $567,000
Paul Wasicka $552,000
Leif Force $537,000
Raphael Doromal $536,000
Brian Nadell $523,000
Lowell Kim $522,000
Dan Schmiech $515,000
Matthew Morgan $504,000
Allen Cunningham $503,000
Scott O'Reilly $501,000
Sebastian Zararsky $497,000
Daniel Kreitzman $496,000
John Lee $473,000
David Finhor $462,000
Brian Kointell $459,000
Virgil Beddingfield $453,000
Tyler Pendleton $435,000
Vipul Kothari $435,000
Benjamin Logan $430,000
Chris Back $416,000
Rob Berryman $413,000
Mikael Thuritz $411,000
Robert Betts $408,000
Hakan Sahl $408,000
Sirous Jamshidi $408,000
Sabyl Cohen $398,000
Matt Woodward $392,000
Aaron Baltzell $386,000
Robert Taylor $375,000
Debra Lalor $372,000
Barry Goren $372,000
Sean Johnson $359,000
Theodore Park $358,000
James Petrillo $354,000
Michael Bower $353,000
Eric Molina $346,000
Reuben Peters $344,000
Shyam Ravindran $336,000
Alan Schein $330,000
Glenn Anders Karlsen $329,000
Marc Friedmann $327,000
David Simon $324,000
Paul Greim $317,000
Rhett Butler $317,000
Nicolai Vivet $316,000
Iago Lopez Gonzole $315,000
Mack Lee $287,000
Aki Ruuskanen $285,000
Per Erik Loeff $284,000
Davis Huynh $280,000
Bryan Micon $275,000
Shannon Westbrook $273,000
Walt Schafer $266,000
Mark Shauta $245,000
Paul Coles $239,000
Richard Wyrick $234,000
Arturo Morales $222,000
Stefan Mattsson $219,000
Derek Scallon $209,000
Carlos Alberto Lopez Neira $209,000
Paramsit Gill $203,000
Michael Simonsen $202,000
Steinar Karlsen $200,000
William Thorson $168,000
Mark Petersen $166,000
Kevin Nathan $158,000
Cory Butler $150,000
Bart Gilliom $127,000
Casey Kastle $117,000
Eric Buchman $110,000
James Flick $92,000
Robby Robertson $75,000
John Kim $67,000
David Woo $44,000
Day Four Eliminations
136 Marius Hogtun $47,006
137 Aaron Bartley $47,006
138 Scott Byron $47,006
139 Moshe Jonish $47,006
140 Josef Macek $47,006
141 Jeremy Mitchell $47,006
142 Whit Brayton $47,006
143 David Ventura $47,006
144 Peter Placey $47,006
145 Hrag Kopooshian $47,006
146 Reza Zand $47,006
147 David Chiu $47,006
148 Mike Hwang $47,006
149 Albert Padilla $47,006
150 Katherine Hartree $47,006
151 Todd Hartgrove $47,006
152 Scott Lidji $47,006
153 Paul Shoquist $47,006
154 Hoang Nguyen $47,006
155 Russell Davies $47,006
156 David Penly $47,006
157 Whitney Blanton $47,006
158 Andy Donovan $47,006
159 Randy Gil $47,006
160 Robert Isakson $47,006
161 Justin Ghogomu $47,006
162 Drew Tranton $47,006
163 Michael Hogbom $47,006
164 Phi Nguyen $47,006
165 Charles Kuruzovich $47,006
166 Sergey Feklisov $47,006
167 Ian Kalman $47,006
168 Brenton Goulding $47,006
169 Jason Strasser $47,006
170 Ed Fernandez $47,006
171 Mike McClain $47,006
172 Rayan Nathan $47,006
173 Galen Kester $47,006
174 Kilian Druml $47,006
175 Jimmy Dambrosio $47,006
176 James Kerr $47,006
177 Buckey McMillan $47,006
178 Richard DiGiorgio $47,006
179 Tony Bodnar $47,006
180 Russell Barnes $47,006
181 Nancy Nguyen $47,006
182 Zachary Gregg $47,006
183 Sameer Fayad $47,006
184 Alex Azadpeyma $47,006
185 Rob Ireland $47,006
186 Chris Combs $47,006
187 Tobin Dreiter $47,006
188 Bill Rector $47,006
189 Richard Barstow $47,006
190 Martin Feijo $42,882
191 Michael Arents $42,882
192 Alan Barnacle $42,882
193 Christine Wilson $42,882
194 Huy Nguyen $42,882
195 Mark Zajdner $42,882
196 Rick Salomon $42,882
197 Mats Batnes $42,882
198 George Dunst $42,882
199 Andres Korn $42,882
200 John Lane $42,882
201 Shane Fumerton $42,882
202 Jeff Lewis $42,882
203 Peter Hedlund $42,882
204 Devin Porter $42,882
205 Richard Clark $42,882
206 Gary Jones $42,882
207 Matt Zimmerman $42,882
208 Samir Zoudo $42,882
209 Ted lawson $42,882
210 Matthew DiPaoli $42,882
211 Keir Fitz-Gibbon $42,882
212 Micahel Kingsbury $42,882
213 Al Stephenson $42,882
214 Christopher Budak $42,882
215 Adam Bragar $42,882
216 Chris Martin $42,882
217 William Robertie $42,882
218 John Hoang $42,882
219 Gary Najaryan $42,882
220 Brett Mayers $42,882
221 Chris George $42,882
222 Sean Le $42,882
223 Dan Ostroff $42,882
224 Jeff Lambert $42,882
225 Ken Weiner $42,882
226 Rob Lederer $42,882
227 Nord Foster $42,882
228 Adam Jones $42,882
229 Daniel Negreanu $42,882
230 Travis Johnecheck $42,882
231 Michael Batherwich $42,882
232 Michael Martin $42,882
233 Roberto Santos $42,882
234 Pat Madden $42,882
235 Tuan Nguyen $42,882
236 Jeff Parcher $42,882
237 Ryan Claar $42,882
238 Joe Hachem $42,882
239 Golser Markus $42,882
240 Arsenio Arabito $42,882
241 Nathan Brooks $42,882
242 Brian Hallows $42,882
243 Tran Thanhdat $42,882
244 Dave Golder $42,882
245 Elie Said $42,882
246 Brendan Lewis $42,882
247 Harry Binck $42,882
248 Mike Hirsch $42,882
249 Darryl Dare $42,882
250 Joe W. Fuhriman $42,882
251 Marcus Collins $42,882
252 Andras Karkus $42,882
253 Paul Viola $38,759
254 Francisco Fragoso $38,759
255 Leland Wulff $38,759
256 Paul Sexton $38,759
257 Michael Tait $38,759
258 Paul Nobles $38,759
259 David Zeitlin $38,759
260 Larry Levin $38,759
261 Akshay Kumar $38,759
262 Brian Mozzoni $38,759
263 Monte Hanson $38,759
264 Vaughn Sandman $38,759
265 Derek Jibb $38,759
266 Rob Acton $38,759
267 Andrew Fennewald $38,759
268 Josh Newborn $38,759
269 Josh Ewing $38,759
270 David Angel $38,759
271 Roy Thung $38,759
272 Michael Lynn $38,759
273 Lars Bonding $38,759
274 Kenny Robbins $38,759
275 Kathy Liebert $38,759
276 Clayton Mozdzen $38,759
277 Greg Giannokostas $38,759
278 Tom Thieneman $38,759
279 Andrew Brokos $38,759
280 Bill Gustafik $38,759
281 Paul Radcliffe $38,759
282 Johan Wemmenhag $38,759
283 Jon Hoellein $38,759
284 Christopher Szuchy $38,759
258 Jared Lissaeur $38,759
256 Peter Rho $38,759
287 Gunnar Rabe $38,759
288 Sonny Lee $38,759
289 Gunnar Fenes $38,759
290 Scott Ritchey $38,759
291 Brian Doyle $38,759
292 Martin Virgen $38,759
293 Jogi Karamshi $38,759
294 Brad Kliever $38,759
295 James Cartee $38,759
296 Sanjiv Karnataki $38,759
297 Vlad Artamonov $38,759
298 Rene Mouritsen $38,759
299 Melandro Alina $38,759
300 Thomas Ringo $38,759
301 Mike Stephens $38,759
302 Ron Toledo $38,759
303 Vincent Iannuzzi $38,759
304 Robert Hreljac $38,759
305 George Danzer $38,759
306 Cesar Giralt $38,759
307 Steven Schulman $38,759
308 Rafael Comas $38,759
309 Vassilios Maniotis $38,759
310 Adam Waldron $38,759
311 Steve Boyle $38,759
312 Roberto Romanello $38,759
313 Johan Koops $38,759
314 Igor Trafane $38,759
315 Hans Lund $38,759
316 Chad Layne $34,636
317 Larry Etherington $34,636
318 Brendan Lynch $34,636
319 Matt Graham $34,636
320 Robert Newton $34,636
321 Derek Feldman $34,636
322 Frank Rasile $34,636
323 Steve Frasure $34,636
324 Surinder Sunar $34,636
325 Ed Blount $34,636
326 Danny Lenehan $34,636
327 Richard Lewis $34,636
328 Stephen Conway $34,636
329 Lee Pierce $34,636
330 Dennis Richardson $34,636
331 Manuel Labandiera $34,636
332 Bo Sehlstedt $34,636
333 Robert Sanchez $34,636
334 Roy Goulet $34,636
335 Vince Frederick $34,636
336 Chris Anderson $34,636
337 Daniel Pickle $34,636
338 Steve Williams $34,636
339 James Scherer $34,636
340 Mel Podaima $34,636
341 David Hong $34,636
342 Patrick Sullivan $34,636
343 Joseph Bachar $34,636
344 Daniel Pelletier $34,636
345 Aaron Clark $34,636
346 Robert A. Kozik $34,636
347 Mathieu Weissman $34,636
348 Sidney Hasson $34,636
349 Daniel O'Brien $34,636
350 William Hill $34,636
351 Jeremiah Reagan $34,636
352 Mario Rodriguez $34,636
353 Matt Novak $34,636
354 James Crowshaw $34,636
355 Bob Larsen $34,636
356 Joseph Sanders $34,636
357 Marlis Sawicki $34,636
358 John Villanueva $34,636
359 Cal Namihira $34,636
360 Chris Eversole $34,636
361 Ramesh Hulugalle $34,636
362 Rob De Wildt $34,636
363 Johnny Sanchez $34,636
364 Hoyt Corkins $34,636
365 Jack Wooden $34,636
366 Oscar Grytdahl $34,636
367 David Cai $34,636
368 Randle Witt $34,636
369 Peter Falk $34,636
370 Cameron Jones $34,636
371 Tom McEvoy $34,636
372 Jon Oda $34,636
373 Ole Busborg-Jensen $34,636
374 Cecilia Ruyes $34,636
375 Mike Hamparsomian $34,636
376 Erin Hatcher $34,636
377 Wil Wilkinson $34,636
378 Corey Hdson $34,636
379 Steven Whitman $30,512
380 Derek Payne $30,512
381 Lynne Mitchnick $30,512
382 Tim Lahey $30,512
383 Jordan Rich $30,512
384 Remco van den Berg $30,512
385 Frank Kohutek $30,512
386 Dodet Daniel $30,512
387 David Kanesky $30,512
388 Steve Younes $30,512
389 Chau Vu $30,512
390 Micahel Crane $30,512
391 Alan Sass $30,512
392 Jose Luis Velador $30,512
393 Jon Duston $30,512
394 Larry Fichter $30,512
395 Michael Katz $30,512
396 Allyn Jaffrey Shulman $30,512
397 Thomas Koo $30,512
398 Kevin Brown $30,512
399 Andrew Palmer $30,512
400 Cindy Violette $30,512
401 Mike Landers $30,512
402 John Coito $30,512
403 Jason Richards $30,512
404 Aaron Gard $30,512
405 Corey Marsh $30,512
406 Farhang Ebadipour$30,512
407 Joseph Lovelady $30,512
408 Ted Forrest $30,512
409 Pete Giordano $30,512
410 Ryan Kalluery $30,512
411 Gavin Mackay $30,512
412 David Daneshgar $30,512
413 Terry Menezes $30,512
414 Eugene Yanayt $30,512
415 Tom Macey $30,512
416 Hertzel Zaleski $30,512
417 Micahel Jensen $30,512
418 Kelly Fitzsimmons $30,512
419 Vinod Jadav $30,512
420 David Creeley $30,512
421 James Peera $30,512
422 Daniel Vanverth $30,512
423 Mike Hurey $30,512
424 Susie Isaacs $30,512
425 Michael Rawls $30,512
426 Sean Carey $30,512
427 Nathan Raskin $30,512
428 Feming Chan $30,512
429 Soren Jensen $30,512
430 Ernie Shepard $30,512
431 Terris Preston $30,512
432 Rolgues Rodriguez $30,512
433 Steve Cathcart $30,512
434 Chad Freid $30,512
435 Spike Gallas $30,512
436 Ernie Gormaz $30,512
437 Walter Novelli $30,512
438 Magnus Peterson $30,512
439 Marc Machuga $30,512
440 Josh Taylor $30,512
441 Casey Peters $30,512
442 Jay Jaffe $26,389
443 Tony Ornd $26,389
444 Lawrence Frye $26,389
445 Paul Sokoloff $26,389
446 Alex Todd $26,389
447 David Eller $26,389
448 Darus Suharto $26,389
449 Clay Manley $26,389
450 Robert Osborne $26,389
451 Jim Deitz $26,389
452 Paul Seus $26,389
453 Jason Su $26,389
454 Rob Carruthers $26,389
455 Adam Stormwind $26,389
456 Jose Varela $26,389
457 Mark Vos $26,389
458 Genci Shehv $26,389
459 Mike Sullivan $26,389
460 Fred Shaffer $26,389
461 Stephen Wooley $26,389
462 Rob Zimmar $26,389
463 John Jabbour $26,389
464 Charles Hurley $26,389
465 Spencer Carrington $26,389
466 Jonathan Tare $26,389
467 Martin Wendt $26,389
468 Paul Kitsos $26,389
469 Andy Martinez $26,389
470 Peter Antill $26,389
471 Ryan McIkonian $26,389
472 Stephen Birkett $26,389
473 Michael Brody $26,389
474 Micahel Benedetto $26,389
475 Nabavi Abdoliam $26,389
476 Melissa Hayden $26,389
477 Yong Hahn $26,389
478 Greg Varoz $26,389
479 Dan Heimiller $26,389
480 David Filippi $26,389