Online Poker Rooms to Kick Off NFL Season in Style

Football and poker go hand in hand. Given a choice between sitting around on a Sunday, and watching the NFL, or playing poker with friends, many people would have a hard time making the decision.
Titan Poker is kicking off the NFL season with a $250,000 guaranteed tournament on Sunday September 10th (NFL opening Sunday). The first place winner will walk with about $62,500 for the $500 buy in tournament.
The tournament starts at 5pm Eastern on the 10th, and Titan is running satellites around the clock to insure that as many players get in as possible.
Also focusing on a football related promotion is Mansion. They are giving players the opportunity not to lose on the Pittsburgh Steelers as they play their opening weekend.
Any player who places a bet on the Pittsburgh Steelers to win their opening week match up against the Miami Dolphins cannot lose. If the Steelers win, the player collects. If the Steelers lose, Mansion will reimburse the bettors losses for exactly $1,100 US Dollars. So, the minimum and maximum bet to qualify for this promotion is $1,100.
Sound too good to be true? It isn't. Mansion recently held the same type of promotion for the soccer team it sponsors in the UK, Tottenham Hotspur. Indeed, the Spurs lost their opener, and Mansion repayed bettors losses.
Download the software, and take advantage of these promotions today. You can play poker on September 10th, and watch the NFL. No need to make that oh-so-tough choice.