WSOP Gossip: Breakups, and Rolls Royces

Older, But Not Wiser:
There are a few aging pros out there that haven't quite negotiated the new world of poker. I'm not talking about their performance on the felt. Apparently there are some that believe their lecherous, drunken, or fiendish personas are afforded some anonymity in a sport now burgeoning with media coverage.
There is an aging pro whose proclivity for young blonds is infamous. If you've seen him at a tournament, you've seen him with a barely post pubescent fair haired woman in tow. Lacey Jones, beware. I've never seen him go a round in a tournament without hitting on a cocktail waitress, massage gal, and or any woman at his table. Take a picture of him with a lovely, however, and he goes berserk. "Don't you know I have a wife and kids back home?" I don't know, do you?
If you're they guy with 23 beer bottles under the table and two on top, can you really get upset if someone posts your picture with one in hand? Trust me, your secret is out.
And lastly, to the pro that has cussed out dealers and players alike for years: when you bitch slapped another player at your table at the WSOP this year, someone was bound to capture it in print.
Those things dangling around people's necks aren't the latest bling, they're media passes. It's a new world out there boys and you better get used to it.
Poker Entourage:
I love HBO's Entourage, a series about the life of a successful young actor and his tag along high school buddies. Apparently some poker pros lead a similar existence. I have a credible source that says that one 30 year old pro recently bought a Rolls Royce with television screens embedded in the back of the headrests. He has one of his entourage drive him around just so he can play video games in the back seat.
WSOP Relationship Curse:
If you are having trouble with a relationship going into the WSOP, chances are it will hit the wall during the WSOP. The stress and absence during the seven weeks of tournament events apparently doesn't make the heart grow fonder. One pro's wife actually had his divorce papers served at the WSOP. I'm happy to report, however, they reunited in post-WSOP bliss.
I recently heard that a pro's almost two-year relationship fell apart sometime during this year's preliminary events. The same pro's marriage broke up during the 2004 WSOP.
I know you can buy bubble insurance in the event you bust right before the money. I wonder if they shouldn't offer relationship insurance, in the event you bust before the end of the WSOP.
Ed Note: Could it be a Full Tilter driving around in that Rolls??? Hmmmm����.