Top Online Poker Forum Pocket Fives Gets Political

Pocket Fives, one of the leading poker forums on the web is organizing a special, and very important campaign this week. On Thursday, June 15th, Pocket Fives is asking you to participate in 'Write Your Congressperson' day. In this campaign, Pocket Fives will attempt to get as many of its readers to send an e-mail to their Congressperson as possible. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness in the Congressional community of the opinions of poker players on the legislation currently up for debate in the House of Representatives.
This campaign is being organized with the support of the Poker Players Alliance (PPA), and in fact, the technical functionality of the campaign is being supported by the PPA's e-mail program.
"With the House voting on this legislation soon, we at PocketFives felt it was time to step up and unify online poker players in a campaign that can really make an impact." Noted Cal Spears of Pocket Fives " I ask you to tell everyone you know that enjoys and supports online poker to contact your Congressman on June 15th. We want to send so many emails that our congressmen will be unable to deny that there are a significant number of voters who want to keep their favorite hobby, and support the game we all love".
To further support this campaign, PPA president Michael Bolcerek will be the guest on Pocket Fives Podcast this Thursday, along with a 'surprise guest', reportedly one of the top online poker players in the world.
Pocket Fives has been active in the effort to try and rally players to make their voice heard in this critically important time in the development of online poker. Recently, the site had Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) as a guest on the podcast.
Editors Note: We here at PokerNews believe this to be the most important issue facing poker players today, and we hope you will go to Pocket Fives this Thursday, June 15th, and participate in this very important campaign.