Ladies WSOP: A 'Golden' Opportunity and a Tip

There is more bargain hunting news for the 2006 WSOP Ladies Event. The Gold Coast Casino has joined up with the LIPS Tour to host a ladies super satellite on July 7th at 7:00pm. The buy-in is $100 +25 and they will be awarding one seat into the WSOP Ladies event on July 9th for every ten women in the starting field. Any residual prize pool less than $1000 will be awarded as either a buy-in for the Orleans Open Ladies Event held on July 10th or cash.
Players will start out with 2000 chips, or 2500 if they opt for the $5 dollar dealer toke add on, and will be playing 20 minute rounds. Rumor has it that they will cap this event at 200 players, so get there early to get your seat.
As I type, gals from the UK are vying for a seat to the WSOP Ladies Event at the WPC UK showdown. has previously reported online opportunities to get bargain seats for the Ladies Event through, Full Tilt, Absolute Poker and Hollywood Poker. The 2006 WSOP Ladies Event is going to yield a record prize pool. Don't miss out.
All this talk about the 2006 WSOP Ladies event reminds me of an important tip I got while playing my very first ladies event. It was my first major event and I was so nervous that I was going to embarrass myself. About two hours into the tournament, a savvy older woman sitting beside me turned and said, "So, you are new to poker." How did she know? What had I done wrong? She noted my look of confused horror and explained, "I saw you rubbing your shoulders. You're obviously wearing the wrong underwear." What? There was right and wrong underwear for poker? I had been obsessing about my facial expressions and apparently my underwear was my biggest tell.
She said, "With your build, you're dead money wearing a regular bra." "Should I have worn a sports bra?" I asked anxiously. I had often heard poker referred to as a sport, but it hardly had the physical activity that might lead to a Brandi Chastain moment. "Oh no," she said. "You need better back support than that and you want something that pushes from below not supports from above. You need a bustier." Other women at the table nodded solemnly. This woman was older than my mother. At least half the women at my table were grandmothers, playing poker longer than I had been alive. I was getting disturbing visuals. Another woman chimed in. "And don't get one of those body suit things. You'll lose too much time in the ladies room snapping and unsnapping."
The underwear advice didn't end there. A young woman at another table got up and bent over to pick up her purse, exposing the thong underneath her low cut jeans. "More dead money," a tablemate said. "They don't even look like their cotton. You've got to go cotton." Another grandmother added, "Unless you're going commando." I would have laid 5-to-1 odds she wouldn't have known what the term meant, let alone gone there. "I don't like flossing my teeth once a day, let alone flossing my butt for ten hours during a tournament," someone else said. This was way too much information. If these gals were trying to get me off my game, they were overachieving.
I finished the tournament just where my bra predicted; dead money. Before my next tournament I actually bought a bustier. I was self-conscious when I bought it and explained to the checkout girl that I was buying it for my back. "Right honey," was her flat, jaded response.
It was the best poker purchase I ever made, save the Harrington Book Trilogy. If I'm playing a long session or a tournament, you can rest assured that a bustier is also in play. And as far as whether I went cotton or commando, my official statement is "no comment."
Ed Note: The last three guys who have won the WSOP play on Poker Stars sign up today, and find out why