Online Poker Sneak Peek: Mansion Poker is Coming

In every industry, there are entities that come along that intrigue before they even 'hit the streets'. In the online poker, and gaming world, one such entity is about to hit the street. Poker Fans may have heard of the Poker Dome series, and in hearing about it, heard the words
MANSION is already in the online gaming business, with their casino and sports betting functions already live. The company has been working on a poker client for the better part of the last two years. The poker client is expected to go live for free money play any day now.
The process has taken so long because they feel they have taken online poker to another level. The new features and operation of the interface have taken thousands of player's opinions (and thousands of hours of testing) to create what the company thinks is the best software out there.
The marketing blitz that will accompany the launch of the new MANSION poker client (expected any day now) will be felt by every American, and many of the people in nearly every other part of the world. The company has planned a rollout rumored in the $100 million dollar range, and no one who watches sports, or male geared lifestyle programming will be able to avoid the brand over the next few months.
The Poker Dome project is, at least initially the most intriguing part of the rollout. For 43 weeks starting in May, players will be able to win their way onto a TV final table that will take place in this modern day poker gladiator arena built especially for these telecasts. Fans will be able to see the players, and their hole cards live as the event happens. The players will not be able to see, or hear the fans reactions to seeing the cards, thanks to one way mirrors, and a soundproof room. This series will air on FSN in the states.
Just as interesting is the $10 million dollar buy in "sit n go" planned for July in Australia. Phil Ivey committed to this tournament back in January, and in theory there will be six players, each paying the $10 million dollar entry fee, playing a winner takes all six handed tournament. Yes - winner take all - $60 million to first place. This tournament will also air on FSN, though there are rumors of the final couple hours being live on big Fox.
So, over the next few months, you may hear the term MANSION Poker quite a bit. The poker client is rumored to be live and running in the next few days. Be on the lookout for it, though from appearances, it doesn't seem you will have to look that hard.