Recent Issues With UltimateBet

For many online poker players, the reliability of a poker site to maintain connections and run the assortment of ring games, sit and goes and multi-table tournaments is one of the major considerations to playing with the poker room. Long considered one of the stalwarts on this front, UltimateBet has recently been plagued by problems with the site staying online. An e-mail sent out on Thursday evening explained the issues and hopefully could soothe the frazzled minds of their patrons.
In the e-mail, sent to players with accounts on UltimateBet, the recent issues that have caused seemingly endless failures of the UltimateBet software were credited to the recent update of their backend system. The e-mail stated, "Our old system, while great for our early years, was not capable of handling our continued growth and some of the exciting new features and products we plan on adding in the future. A more powerful backend system was needed to accomplish this."
The e-mail went on to state that this change has had a downside in the fact that the site has been frequently crashing, leaving many players and their bankrolls in the lurch. "While this significant change was necessary, it has resulted in some intermittent stability issues within the game, issues that can be expected with any major system overhaul." The e-mail continued, "We want you to know that our technical team is working around the clock to resolve all technical issues. We also want you to know that we are working our way through all customer e-mails and we are working around the clock to address each concern individually."
While this has been a problem for UltimateBet, they were quick to reassure their patrons that their online accounts were safe. UltimateBet also recognizes that many players who are dedicated to the site may need some more impetus to stick around for the bugs to work out of the system. "We realize that we've inconvenienced you. We know that you have other choices. We are working hard to regain your trust, and will be offering some great promotions as a way to thank you for your patience. These will be announced shortly," finished the correspondence from UltimateBet.
Individual review of the assortment of games operated by UltimateBet are currently in action and hopefully will be resolved soon. There wasn't a time frame mentioned for these reviews to take place but, as with most online poker room site changes, they should be cleared up quickly. It is with hope that these changes lead to a greater UltimateBet and a return of the site to its previous stability.
Note From the managing editor - We have spoken to top people at UB, and while they are still working to fix the bugs in their upgraded system, they believe strongly that their issues will be resolved in the near term. As I write this, UB is enduring a planned outage as they try to fix the issues, rather than trying to fix things 'on the fly', which they have been attempting to do. We believe in Ultimate Bet as a company, and like their software - when it's working properly - a lot. We encourage users to try to stay with UB as they go through this. UB is a viable "Big Platform" alternative for players, and in today's ultra competitive online poker market, players need all the established rooms they can get.