Playtech Enters London Financial Markets

2006 has been a booming year for Playtech Limited. From the start of the year, Playtech has made sweeping and sizeable impact on the online poker & gaming world. While the acceptance of their membership in the Remote Gambling Association earlier in March was a cause for celebration, another monumental feat was achieved by Playtech on Monday.
Playtech Limited, the software corporation responsible for many online casino and poker rooms on the Internet, firmly established themselves in the online poker world with their successful launch on the London financial markets on Monday. Playtech opened up on the London AIM on March 27th with a public offering of their stock, which should provide an immediate boost to the stability of the company and add to their coffers as well. The public offering is expected to generate 34.3 million British pounds, which translates into around $60 million in U. S. currency.
Many other online casino, online poker and poker software companies have had tremendous success in the financial markets of Europe. Most major online gaming companies, including PartyGaming, and others have enjoyed success after entering into the financial world as a stock ownership entity. Cryptologic, another software provider, has been a solid stock on the London financial markets for some time. Playtech is showing that they are a firm player in the online world through their actions and should benefit as well from their floatation on the London Stock Market.
Playtech drives the software for many online casinos and poker rooms in existence today, including Noble Poker and They have also entered into an agreement to be the primary software provider for the Hard Rock Casino efforts. They recently completed the migration to Playtech software at and this gives Playtech the ability to become a major part of plans for the Hard Rock casino operations around the online and physical casino world.
The recent stock flotation for Playtech is just another indication of the power of online gaming and poker. As more companies come into the financial markets of the world, the reliability and solidity of these companies can only lead to an overall trust in the companies from the people that matter the most, the stockholders and the customers of the offerings of the companies. Playtech's flotation is simply another demonstration of the power of the online gaming industry in today's financial world.
Ed Note: Check out Playtech's product by signing up at Noble Poker Quick! Before the stock goes up.