Poker Share to Make a Comeback

After months of litigation involving £100 million against its network partner, Excapsa and a mega member of the network,, will be back in business this coming March of 2006 according to the message update on its homepage.
PokerShare launched a novel idea in August 2005 of "Play It Own It" (respectively the name of its supporting company) where its players, based on their play, would own a part of the company, earn dividends on a quarterly basis, and be granted stocks should the company go public.
Just a few months after the opening, PokerShare attracted players, including some of UltimateBet's. Players felt comfortable with the change because of the visual, service, and player base familiarity that the Excapsa network provided, however, the extra incentive was in the opportunity to own a part of PokerShare and being paid dividends despite winning or losing at the tables.
The attention given to PokerShare seemed promising, however, shortly after, Excapsa denied their largest player base of North American players patronage to PokerShare. Subsequently, Excapsa ceased support of their young member altogether and in November, PokerShare was shutdown.
PokerShare fought Excapsa claiming that it was forced to cease business due to its loss of rights to its poker platform and support.
Although it seems as though PokerShare and Excapsa have resolved this issue, the question is how have they come to reconciliation - meaning will they have to compromise on their gaming model to resume business? Who is able to play on their sites - can North Americans participate? PokerShare homepage boasts new and better technology and promotions but will it include their original "Play it Own It" concepts that started their business in excitement and anticipation? Questions remain but hopefully will be answered this coming March.
Ed Note: No need to share with anyone. Sign up today at Noble Poker