Bluff Magazine Announces Readers' Choice Awards

Poker players around the world debate the key issues of the game today. Most of the time, though, there is no solid consensus as to who (or what) is the best offered today. Bluff Magazine has recently taken on the daunting challenge of finding out what the readers of its magazine feel are the best that poker has to offer.
Bluff Magazine recently announced their Readers' Choice Awards, where readers will decide just what is the best of the poker world today. There are nineteen different categories broken down in three different categories, online, live and televised poker. There is also a selection that will attempt to determine the Favorite Poker Player of the Bluff Magazine readership.
Voting in the wide-ranging categories began on January 12th and there is plenty of time to cast your ballot. Players from around the world have until June 1st to make their voices heard, with the final results being the cornerstone of Bluff's World Series of Poker preview issue out on July 20th. To give something to the players for making their opinions known, five randomly drawn people will take down an IPod Nano for their efforts. "Bluff Magazine is once again at the forefront of the poker industry by giving their readers influence and a voice in shaping the future of poker. Never before have poker players been able to deem 'the best of the best' in over twenty different poker categories. What this means is the Bluff Magazine Readers' Choice Awards will be a true testament to the companies who receive the various accolades of our readers," said Eric Morris, Co-President of Bluff Magazine.
It is an audacious task and one that the outcome should be interesting to see. The Bluff Magazine Readers' Choice Awards is unique in that it looks not only at the online poker world but also the live community as well. It also peers into that interesting and hotly debated issue of what is the best of the televised offerings out there. There should be some surprises when the final results are displayed this summer! To get your vote in on the best of the poker world according to Bluff Magazine's Readers' Choice Awards, visit and cast your ballot!
Ed note: Cast your vote for an Online Poker Room by signing up for one today