WPT Messageboard Chip Leaders hire Cindy Margolis

In conjunction with the World Poker Tour's recent joint venture with ChipLeaders.com, the gaming company has taken a big marketing step in ensuring success by hiring one of the most downloaded and recognized name, face, and bodies in the history of the Internet.
The new online social network is looking to capitalize on its new spokesperson, the stunning and very Internet savvy supermodel, Cindy Margolis. This mixture of unbridled, raw sexual magnetism of Margolis and one of the world's leading poker brands, should help to draw an immediate audience to the new international WPT-based cyber community.
This shrewd advertising move isn't a very big departure from Margolis's everyday life. She actually loves the game and is currently being tutored by friend and mentor, Cyndy Violette. Relatively soon, Margolis will be participating in the upcoming celebrity tournaments being offered by ChipLeaders and the WPT.
Known as the most downloaded woman in the history of the Internet, Margolis has plenty of star power, not to mention sex appeal. She brings with her some of the most appealing demographics known to advertisers and online poker sites, namely her majority audience (61 percent) are males between the ages of 18-35 years of age.
Her male audience isn't the only group to make companies drool as she has a large female following as well. These target audiences are the audiences online sites are trying to market to the most and with Margolis, let's just say that Chipleaders have more than likely hit a home run with their first at bat. By signing Margolis, one of the world's most recognized faces, this dynamic move is going to propel the new site to record heights.
In addition to offering players a chance to blog, email, or chat their way into the life of Margolis, the site offers players the chance to create profiles, upload photos, and communicate with online friends. If her online success is any example of her popularity, one can bet that Margolis's email box will be full from all of the poker-hungry fans.
Ed Note: WPT host Mike Sexton proudly endorses Party Poker ...Can the Ambassador of Poker be wrong?