Poker as a Team Sport?

Poker is often seen as an individual sport and is known for celebrating the different individual defining characteristics that typify the best in the game. But like with many of the changing dynamics in the poker world, the path of single-handed victory is now evolving into a team sport. recently launched a team play format on its site. This type of game should draw immediate interests as the possibilities are limitless. Friends playing friends, fraternities battling it out for Greek supremacy, even corporations might be willing to pony up some cool cash to have their best corporate players battle heated business rivals on the felt.
Members of the site can join teams or start their own and should keep in mind the importance of having a good team manager (the guy or girl) whose responsibilities include setting up matches and monitors the team wallet as well as having good players at the table. Teams must have at least five people and can max out with 10 players.
There will be plenty of action with the team version of poker as teams can play in Leagues or in Eliminators. Leagues will of course last longer, but the Eliminators may become the most popular as one team can simply challenge another in a heads up match. The Eliminators will continue until there are two players left battling it out for the victory.
Some may wonder about whether a group of people can manage a team wallet and whether money is distributed evenly, so to ensure fair play, is using a percentage method to calculate how much a member can withdraw from the team wallet.
In other words, a player can't take out more than they put in.
One can only imagine the international rivalries that could arise with the team action, not to mention the possibility of L.A. versus N.Y. action. If the team concept catches on, this stroke of genius could help to propel to the front of the pack and could help them to cement their position in the industry.
Ed Note: Solo play? Team play? Mac? PC? The choice is yours at