Play Some Poker, Win Mike Tyson's House

Some people keep getting chances to fix their lives. Few have had as many as former boxing champion Mike Tyson. Few athletes have drawn as much attention or negative focus on their careers as Tyson, but even fewer have found support from people around them to make it through the difficult times, especially without profiting from his infamous celebrity.
Tyson is getting another chance for another payday outside of the ring, as the English business man and the owner of Tyson's former Las Vegas estate, Dominic Marrocco. After paying $4 million for the estate last year, the self-made businessman is offering the house up to the winner of a yet-to-be named tournament.
Marrocco is looking to make the tournament the center of a new reality television show in which hundreds of players will compete for what might be one of the biggest and most valuable pieces of boxing memorabilia in the history of the sport.
Four people will win their way to the finals, where they will come to face with Morracco and possibly the former world champion himself. "Poker is really popular in the US and UK right now and reality TV is massive too. We have a chance to combine the two, and in a great twist, give Mike Tyson the chance to win back his home," Morracco said in a recent Yorkshire Post article.
Marrocco has had no shortage of suitors for this new endeavor as he has met with US television executives and is considering whether to run the event himself or sell the rights to a major broadcasting network..
Some may think that Morracco is just a crazy businessman looking to cash in, but one thing is for certain, he's no dummy. In the deal for Tyson's house, he also got a broken-down mansion next door. Morracco has renovated the mansion and is using it as a fall-back in case he doesn't win Tyson's house back.
"People might think I'm some kind of crazy English eccentric giving away Tyson's house, but contestants pay thousands of dollars each to enter high stakes poker tournaments, plus there are rights to the reality TV show. I have the chance to win the tournament, but if I don't, I will walk to my house next door, shut the door behind me, and have still made money."
The chance for Tyson to win his house back looks as though it should make for interesting television. The now broke Tyson is currently living in a two-bedroom home in Phoenix, AZ. AS long as Tyson behaves, this could be a huge chance for the champ to get back on his feet. "I think Mike would appreciate the chance to take part and win back home - as long as he doesn't bite anyone's ears" Morracco said.
Ed Note: Win enough money to buy Mike Tyson's house at Paradise Poker