Soprano Son Signs With Poker Site

Celebrity poker players have been the kiss of death for New York City poker clubs with raids taking place almost every other week over the last month. One of the biggest reasons for this is the recent action sought by celebrity poker players like Alex Rodriguez of the Yankees and Robert Iler of Soprano's fame.
While the Yankees and the media have questioned A-Rod's poker playing in these illegal clubs, Iler, who previously had a run-in with police earlier this year, has taken the negative press he received after walking into card room bust at the Ace Point Backgammon Club and Chess Club and turned it into a possibly profitable venture.
After deciding that New York clubs were no longer a safe bet, Iler has signed with online gaming site and was given a large account so he would never have to seek action at the illegal clubs of the big apple.
Iler's poorly timed venture into the New York card club underground, motivated executives at to give the young Soprano's star a chance to make a little money and play poker in a safe environment. almost immediately perused Iler after his publicized run-in with the law. executives contacted his agent and quickly offered a substantial account and a chance to be a site representative. For the large playing account, Iler agreed to allow BetCRIS to use his name and image throughout the website.
According to CEO Mickey Richardson, having Tony Soprano's son is a perfect fit for the company and it will give Iler a chance to be different from his-television dad. "By having Robert Iler playing at our site and not on the streets of New York, we hope that he'll be able to stay out of trouble with the law. The Sopranos is one of the best shows on television and we couldn't be happier about teaming up with Tony's son."
Ed Note: No need to risk jail time! Play at Noble Poker