Has Noble Poker Gone Crazy?

Noble Poker has always been known for its aggressive marketing, and the ease of its playability, but now it will be known for having the biggest possible payout in tournament history.
As part of its $100 Million Dollar Mega Tournament, the site will host the Mega tournament in April at the only location suitable to the crazy dollars being waved around in this event; Las Vegas.
The Noble.com Mega tournament has a $10,000 entry fee if players wish to skip qualifying online. The event will have players battling for a $2 million prize pool, but the ultimate goal for players being winning $100 million by hitting a royal flush of spades at the final table.
Just in case this seems impossible (one player hit quads at the World Series this year), Noble has also offered a $1 million pay-out for any straight flush, $500,000 for quad aces or kings, while quad queens, jacks, and tens will net a player $250,000.
According to a Noble press release, one poker pro commented, "I think this tournament will be a good opportunity for me. With the World Series of Poker getting way out of hand with entry numbers, Noble Poker is giving me a legitimate chance at winning a huge payout. Catching a royal flush and winning the $100 million would be nice too."
One has to believe that there are plenty of pros and amateurs alike, entering the online qualifiers. Held 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a-week, these tournaments will get players into the $125K Heat tournaments, where seats to the $100 million dollar tournament and cash will be given away. Players can enter the qualifiers for as little as $2.50 or as much as $58. Qualifying tournaments will be held until April.
Ed Note: Has Noble Poker lost their minds? Sign up today, and decide for yourself.