PokerPadz Deliver the Poker Experience

In today's poker environment there are numerous companies trying to cash in on the craze with a bevy of products for the poker hungry world, but few have transcended the experience of being at a live game. The latest entrant into the poker products business does this and more.
Players will find a beneficial and possibly rewarding online experience thanks to the PokerPadz mouse pad. This new product is set to help players master chip control by giving players a space in which to practice their shuffling techniques and tricks.
Similar to casino tables, the 8" X 14" soft pad features a felt surface and is lined by a vinyl oval shaped bumper, giving players the tactile feeling of playing at a live game and providing the ambiance of the hauntingly soothing sound of chips being shuffled at the casino table.
Designed by Kevin King, an art director for the World Poker Tour and PokerStars Marketing Manager Kristin Cranford, PokerPadz can only benefit players by giving them a space to practice the art of chip shuffling while competing online or simply relaxing at their home.
Because table image is an important part of live play, players need to take advantage of this opportunity to look like a pro. Although it takes some practice, players can learn to stack, roll, and bounce their chips on the PokerPadz surface, giving them the advantage of looking like a pro that has been at the tables for most of their life.
PokerPadz gives players another advantage to players in that it can also help anxious or bored players by giving them something to do with their time while they are waiting to make a call or raise the pot. Boredom, as many online players can attest, is an all-to familiar enemy that often causes players to make mistakes which ultimately could cost them big dollars in the long run.
In addition to making PokerPadz a useful tool in a poker player's arsenal, its makers have taken steps to ensure its economic success by offering companies both inside and outside of poker, the ability to place their logos on the pad. With companies always trying to find gimmicks to please customers, it won't be long before we see a big company or a casino take advantage of this unique item's built-in target-audience of millions of players.
The PokerPadz mouse pad is sure to please all types of players and is a perfect gift for the poker enthusiast. PokerPadz are available at and the company is currently offering it a special price of $24.99 (usually $29.00) for orders placed before November 1, 2005 and also includes 10 poker chips to practice with.
Ed Note: Titan Poker are a great place to play, with or without your padz.