Poker Blue Is Ready To "Freeroll"

PokerBlue, one of the newest and fastest growing online poker rooms around, has fired off its next salvo in its attempt to capture their part of the Internet poker market. While only around now since the World Series, PokerBlue has made its mark with its sponsorship of the "Whale Game" during the Internet broadcasts of "Live At The Bike" on Wednesday nights. Now, get ready for the "Big Fat Weekly Freeroll".
The "Big Fat Weekly Freeroll" promises to be one of the most widely desired seats, as the prizes for making it into the event are truly worthwhile. If you qualify to play in the event from Sunday, September 18th to November 6th, the first prize winner of each freeroll tournament has some very appetizing prizes to choose from. Up for grabs during each week are $12,000 prize packages to play in the Fiesta al Lago WPT Doyle Brunson North American Poker Championship at the Bellagio in Las Vegas on October 18th through the 20th or the WPT World Poker Finals at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT on November 13th through the 18th. There will be nine packages given out during this series, with the $12,000 getting you your buy-in and tournament costs plus $1800 for travel and lodging.
PokerBlue's Ambassador of Poker, Yosh Nakano, detailed the story behind the creation of the "Big Fat Weekly Freeroll". "We conducted an informal survey of 175 players and there was a resounding desire for a meaningful freeroll tournament. Players at all skill levels wanted the opportunity to play for a big prize in a tournament. For most, however, those tournaments are out of their buy-in levels."
There is a very low qualifier to be eligible to play in the "Big Fat Weekly Freeroll". Players must play at least $1/$2 limit or no-limit ring games for a minimum of four hours before the weekly tournament, held at 3PM (EST) on Sundays. This should be easily achievable by any player. Additionally, at this point in the infancy of PokerBlue, their largest freeroll has only had 138 players, so the opportunity for a big score is evident.
Nakano and PokerBlue are quite secretive as to what will come next after the nine packages have been won, but Yosh says the prizes in the future "WILL be something very intriguing!" But for those that have the desire but not quite the bankroll to do it themselves, the "Big Fat Weekly Freeroll" is your ticket to play on the World Poker Tour. All you have to do is earn your way in and take the first place prize in the "Big Fat Weekly Freeroll!" For more information or to start playing now, be sure to visit
Ed Note: There might be 100 players in this freeroll this weekend. That is really good value. Sign up for Poker Blue today, and get in on the action.