Poker Academy Drops Some Knowledge

When people look to learn the game they have several options. A player can buy a book or a DVD for tutorials, but if they are really committed to learning the game they might consider attending a poker camp like Camp Hellmuth or one of the WPT Boot Camps.
At the camps, players benefit from the personal instruction and their choice of software which helps players understand and improve upon the weaknesses in their game. The two camps have selected Poker Academy software as their training tool.
Poker Academy is one of the leading poker software developers. It has incorporated 10 years of groundbreaking artificial intelligence programming. Its selection by the professional's camps gives the companies credibility in a tough field.
Both camps give the software glowing reviews. "We are very pleased to have Poker Academy on board with Camp Hellmuth and believe that attendees will greatly benefit from the software. After testing many Texas Hold'em software programs, we were convinced that Poker Academy software was the most powerful and practical learning tool on the market," said Camp Hellmuth producer Jeff Goldenberg.
WPT is equally happy with Poker Academy's technology. "Our students will take what they learn in the classroom and then go home and practice using the Poker Academy's Texas Hold'em software. We think Poker Academy will help turn their academic knowledge into practical experience," said WPT president, Ron Reubens.
According to Kurt Lange, president of Poker Academy, everyone can benefit from the software. "Our mission is to help players learn at any level. We feel our software is a great compliment to this endeavor. The artificial intelligence in our software is designed to think like humans, to adapt and improve as the player improves. That's why our training tool will always be fun and challenging to play, and serve as an asset in learning to compete in real-world casinos, tournaments, and online poker rooms."
Poker Academy's software endorsement doesn't stop with the camp either. The company's programs are being used by Lehigh University, one of the United States top learning institutions. Poker Academy recently donated $13,000 worth of software to the university so students could use the technology for computer science and engineering classes and research projects.
According to Hector Munoz-Avila, his students benefit from the use of the program during his "Artificial Intelligence: Game Programming" course. Students in the class study and create algorithms, which are methods of encoding programs that tell computers how to fix problems.
Take heart, if you can't afford to go to a prestigious university or attend a professionally-run camp, you can still get in on the educational action. For a mere $129 dollars a player can download the latest version of the software from Poker Academy's online site,
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