Random Poker Notes

No, I said I won some pots, not sold pot
You can't blame a guy for trying. After a man was caught with $500,000 in pot in a taxi (how do you carry that much pot in a taxi??), police raided his home, and found about $100,000 in cash. Searching desperately for an excuse, the man told the court the money at his home was poker winnings, and had nothing to do with the drug sales he was being charged with.
The man, whose name is (ironically) Doyle, claimed he had been on the rush of his life against other cabbies, and had run up the $100k in winnings in a matter of weeks. The judge, clearly a poker player also, was not buying it, and commented that $100,000 is too much for an unemployed man to have lying around his house from poker. Doyle refused his bail, and is currently awaiting sentencing.
A new definition of Bad Beat
Two friends in Moundsville, WV were having some fun, some drinks, and playing some poker....until it all went horribly wrong. John Spaid, and his friend Randy Van Dyne were playing some poker, when Van Dyne felt he had been cheated. An argument broke out, and Spaid grabbed a billy club he kept by the door, and threatened VanDyne with it. Van Dyne, facing an angry man brandishing a club decided that would be a good time to pick up all the money sitting in the middle of the table. Spaid proceeded to put a beating on VanDyne with the club, breaking VanDyne's arm in the process.
VanDyne was going to let it lie, until he found out that his arm was broken. He filed charges against his friend, and Spaid is currently free on $10,000 bail.
In an ironic twist, apparently on the last hand they played, VanDyne needed a club. Spaid made sure he got one.
Give me a shirt, Donkey
The first five people who come up to me at the WSOP, and say the phrase "Give me a shirt, Donkey" will get themselves a sexy new Pokernews T-shirt. You must use the word Donkey to get the shirt.
Members of the press are not eligible, but you are! These shirts are sure to be all the rage, or at least come in handy when you go to the gym.
Ed Note: Poker Stars is sending 730 players to the WSOP so far. You need to be number 731.