Hellmuth Early World Series of Poker Favorite

While the cards are flying in Las Vegas, bookmakers are offering up their best ideas as to who will win the Big One in the World Series of Poker.
Sportsbook.com, a London, England based bookmaking operation, is laying odds on who is going to take the coveted World Championship. Alex Czajkowski, the Marketing Director for Sportsbook.com, said, "There will be a huge audience for this event. We want to offer people the chance to get involved with the action from Las Vegas, even if they can't get a seat at a World Series of Poker table."
It is very interesting to see the names that currently make up their list. The favorite at this time is 1989 World Champion Phil Hellmuth, who can be bet on at 40-1 odds to take the championship. Many players are listed as 50-1 shots to take the title, including past World Champions Scotty Nguyen and Chris "Jesus" Ferguson. WPT Champion Tuan Le, 2004 World Series Player of the Year Daniel Negreanu, Phil Ivey, and European players Gus Hansen and Ram Vaswani are also locked into that 50-1 shot. Even Hollywood has been able to get some odds, with Ben Affleck being posted as a 150-1 shot and "Rounders" stars Matt Damon and Edward Norton drawing 250-1 odds. Leading the ladies are Jennifer Harman and Annie Duke, who are 60-1 shots, according to the line.
With the Main Event field expected to be over 6,000 players strong, how you can lay out odds for something like this stretches the mind! It does show, though, that you can pretty much lay down a buck on any sporting event, even something as large as the World Series of Poker! You can view the entire list of players at Sportsbook.com, if you are interested in getting the latest line on who will win the biggest poker tournament ever!
Ed Note: Bet on yourself at the WSOP...actually, get in first - at Ultimate Bet.