Noble Poker/ Freeroll, part three

Once again, the fine folks at Noble Poker are giving us the chance to bring you, the readers the best value on the Web. We are proud to announce the third Poker $5,000 Freeroll tournament.
This is the third one of these freerolls we have had with Noble, and the first two were real successes. Just ask player Matty82, who made the final table in both tourneys, and has made $1,350 over the course of the last two months. Players only have to deposit $20 (Twenty Dollars!), to have a chance at hundreds of dollars in free prize money. To be eligible, players must download the software, and sign up through this link.
We really do feel that the play experience at Noble is one of the best on the web, and we would not have them as a member room to were we not to feel strongly about them as a company. The folks at Noble Poker have been great to us, and here is a link to an interview with their CEO, so you can learn a little more about what they are about as a company.
No one on the web gives you more value than We will be having one of these Freerolls a month, and we encourage you to keep on the lookout for more to come.
We work really hard in trying to give the readers of top values like this Noble Poker freeroll. We will continue to work hard, and look forward to bringing you even more value in the months to come.
So, come out and join us on July 10th at 6pm EST for the Third Noble Poker / Freeroll. You MUST sign up by July 10th at 10am EST to be eligible! Sign up for the tournament through this special link, and come play. There isn't a whole lot to lose.