Carson Daly show guests get invite to play in the WSOP

Guests who do network talk shows are usually presented with gift bags, as a way to say thank you for doing the show. I have stolen, um, I mean seen bags from some of my clients who have done the shows get everything from clothing gift certificates, to bottles of booze with glasses logoed with the shows imprint, to jewelry, weekend name it.
This past week were what is called "sweeps" for the networks. Sweeps happen twice a year, and they are crucial weeks for the networks. The ratings that programs get during sweeps week are the ratings that set the rates for advertising costs for the programs in question for the next six months...crucial to say the least.
So, when the folks at the Carson Daly show were thinking of new and interesting ways to lure guests to their programs, the folks at Pokertropolis came up with an idea - a seat in the main event of the WSOP. So, 25 celebrities found little Pokertropolis boxes in their gift bags. Inside these boxes were Pokertopolis hats, and small pieces of paper...inviting the guest to play in the 2005 WSOP.
It will be interesting to see which of Daly's guests take this opportunity, and participate in the WSOP. Some of the people invited were Matt Dillon, Carmen Electra, Jon Favreau, Shannon Elizabeth, Donald Faison, Tom Green, Hugh Hefner, Gabrielle Union, Andy Richter, Terrell Owens, Gary Sinise, Rick Fox, Rob Schneider, The Wallflowers, Minnie Driver, and many more.
One would assume that part of the deal for this would be the celeb in question wearing Pokertropolis garb, and maybe even making an appearance at a PT function.
It will be interesting to see just how many of the players at this years WSOP are making appearances purely for publicity. I can't imagine any of the above names (I could be wrong...but I doubt it) making a real run at it. The pros must be licking their chops at the thought of all the dead money that will be in the tournament this year. I am going to coin a new phrase here - Publicity money, or 'Pub Money'. Pub money is defined as someone who is entered into a high profile poker tournament purely for the publicity value these tournaments now generate. There will be a lot of Pub Money in this years WSOP. Exactly how much there will be remains to be seen, but for veteran tournament players, any Pub Money is good money. See you in Vegas, Minnie.
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