Update from the Water cooler

With 45 players left, the chatter around the office is picking up here at Pokernews. You may remember that my colleagues and I each picked 10 players at the beginning of the week to see who is the best poker prognosticator in the office. With 45 players left, I thought it was a good time to brag, um, I mean update the readers on the progress of our little office pool.
At this point, Mr Moves is left praying that Jesus can save him. Jesus Ferguson, that is, as only Jesus remains left for Mr Moves in the tournament. Jesus has 492,000 chips, and with only about 30 big blinds as play begins, he will have to sink, or walk on water fairly quickly today.
Earl, on the other hand, has two guys left in the tournament, Tony Ma, and Juha Helppi. Juha is about 10th in chips, but Tony is getting short stacked. Earl's "roster" has 1,068,000, or less than either of my players left in the tournament.
My roster is leading at this point with two of the top five chip counts left, and about 2.2 million in chips. Below are the results thus far. We could all be out today, or tomorrow, so I will give you a final update over the weekend. By the way, with the dozens of entries we had in the contest to play me for $50, I'm sure someone is ahead of me, but I haven't been able to go through them all yet. I will include that in my final update as well. Good luck chasing me guys!
Mr Moves picks:
Chris "Jesus" Ferguson 462,000
Earl Burton Picks
Tony Ma 438,000
Juha Helppi 630,000
John Caldwell's picks
Phil Ivey 1,088,000
Michael Mizrachi 1,102,000
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