Legal Online Poker In The U. S.?

The game of online poker is under constant attack from the government of the United States. The current administration, as those before it, use old-fashioned and out of date laws to attempt to force people to not play the online game. Because of such, many advertisers, web search engines and credit cards companies will not allow or permit usage of their products in the pursuit of online poker or gaming.
There seems to be a company and website, though, that is making a move to attack the status quo. ThwartPoker and Game Trust have entered into an agreement to place ThwartPoker's new Hold 'Em game "Poker Blitz" on the Game Trust website Players will be able to compete on the game site for physical prizes and cash that could total up to $1,000 per single game.
"Poker Blitz" is billed as the first poker game to take the luck factor out of the equation and the players skill actually can perform. The strategic twist to the game is that the players at a four player table choose their own hole cards that they want from a standard deck, rather than have two cards dealt at random. Play then commences in the usual fashion and a winner comes through the normal best five card hand (with the five card board and two hole cards).
The rules twist is that players cannot choose the same two cards throughout the game. If a player chooses a card that was chosen by another player in the previous or current round, then both players have their picks blocked and receive two cards at random. It adds up to a very strategic and fast paced game, albeit (in this writer's opinion) not much different than your usual game (I have a feeling that your picks will get blocked, one way or the other, much of the time).
Both companies are very happy about the partnership. "We are very excited to be working with Game Trust," exclaimed ThwartPoker co-founder Daniel Pfeiffer. "Game Trust has a superior technology which will allow us to tournament-enable our product for the maximum of customers."
"ThwartPoker has given us a win-win-win proposition," remarked Adeo Rossi, the CEO of Game Trust. "The players win as they compete at Poker Blitz for prizes, ThwartPoker wins by developing a new revenue stream and increased player interest, and we win by providing the platform and sharing in the success."
Both companies are in their relative infancy when it comes to the online world (ThwartPoker has been around since 2001, Game Trust since 2002). The game itself looks as though it is fairly popular with those that frequent, showing up in its Top Ten ranking of most popular games at number seven. What will be interesting is to see what approach is taken by the legal establishment, in this case the U. S. Attorney General. Will they take the same approach with this game of poker that they have taken with online poker in general? We will have to keep an eye on the developments here and see if "Poker Blitz" becomes the first legal online poker game in the United States. To take a look at the game and possibly try your "skill" (would hate to use the term "luck" there and ruin all the marketing!), be sure to visit
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