The Diary of Player X, Volume Three

Player X is a professional poker player who makes his living playing mostly online. The mystery and wild rumors often associated with online play, and people's misconceptions about the lifestyle lead us to decide to do this column on Player X. Make no mistake, Player X is a real player, and these are real results.
Many people in the poker world know Player X, and due to this, and other circumstances, Player X (by his or her choice) will remain anonymous. This person's results are real, however, and we will be able to follow him or her through the reality of being a professional poker player. If I did not know this person, and their reputation, I wouldn't publish this
This week was a fairly light week as weeks go, so the diary is going to be a little bit light on detail, and just about the numbers.
About 4 hours of NL totals 1762 hands, -382.28.
Day total: -328.28
Week total: $-382.28
Only about an hour of NL play. 302 hands, - 707.25
Day total: -707.25
Week total: $-1,089.53
Another quickie - only 194 hands of NL, but efficient + 999
Day total: +999.00
Week total: $ -90.53
Annoying day of the week, as I won a $2,800 pot with Aces over Kings, and then proceeded to lose $2,200 minutes later as my nut full house ran into a straight flush.
333 hands of NL - 363.62
Day total: -363.62
Week total: $ -454.13
My first semi-real work day since Monday. 524 hands of NL, -$1,495.25. Also,154 hands of 15/30 limit, -$12. Lastly, three sit-and-goes, +169.50
Day total: -1,313.75
Week total: $ -1,767.88
Another full day at the office. The co-workers bit back today. $-1537.58 on 1112 hands of NL, and a handful of Sit n Goes.
Day total: -1,537.58
Week total: $-3,305.46.
Day off after a tough week.
Week total $ - 3,305.46
Running total (since first diary entry) $+9,129.50
See you next week.
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