New Poker Movie To Hit The Screens

Warner Bros. Picture Inc. are to film a new poker movie this spring and you could land a starring role.
Warner Bros. Pictures Inc. have announced their intention to film a new poker movie this spring. Players and dealers from Los Angeles and Las Vegas can get in on the action.
Mali Finn Casting are looking for skilled players and dealers to play a part in the movie, no previous acting or movie experience is needed. Males and females of all ethnicities and ages are wanted. All different skill levels are required, your skill level would determine the role you play and, if cast, you would play a part that resembles as close to yourself as possible.
Players and dealers should contact Mali Finn Casting visiting
This movie follows on from the success of many poker films in recent years. Matt Damon and Ed Norton found new fans from the poker world in the brilliant Rounders. Over a decade ago, Australian megastar Mel Gibson had a hit with Maverick alongside Jody Foster. Poker can be traced back in some classic movies such as The Cincinnati Kid, Big Hand For A Little Lady and Sunset Trail.
If you think you have got what it takes to follow in the footsteps of the movie stars above, get in touch with Deanna today.
The closing date for submission is February 21st.