The Bicycle Launches Live Poker Webcast

An ongoing complaint by some of those who enjoy poker on television centers on the fact that what the audience sees in an edited version of the action. Long multi-day tournaments are cut down to a one or two hour segment for broadcast and hands are chosen for their dramatic value to a television audience, many of whom may not be players themselves, the criticism goes. What about all the hands in between, where peoples' table image are established, betting patterns discovered, and emotions rattled? These hands left on the editing room floor hold much interest for the more serious followers of the game.
The Bicycle Casino in Los Angeles is set to give these players what they want with its? latest innovation, "Live At The Bike!". Wednesday through Saturday evenings from 6-10, The Bike will stream a variety of games and limits, including high stakes poker directly from their card
casino floor. In addition to unedited poker action, the stream will feature cash games, a broadcast first.
"What makes this exciting and different is the fact that it's real money, really high stakes," says the Bike's Managing Partner, Haig Kelegian. "Tournament poker is great, but doesn't translate dollar for
dollar. We are focusing on real players who have their money on the table ... and its unscripted, unedited and uncensored."
Thanks to the Bike and its technical partners iStreamPlanet and Joker Gaming, fourteen cameras will pick up all of the action and drama of the game, including players' cards and their faces, while skilled commentators provide play by play.
"Along with poker, reality TV is hotter than ever before. 'Live At The Bike' brings poker reality to the worldwide screen," said Poker Operations Manager, Rick Cloward. "You witness the raw emotion, the real risk of cold hard cash on the table and who's really got the goods and who's bluffing. That's real poker."
Those wanting to see this new brand of poker broadcast should visit