Absolute Poker Donates to Tsunami Victims

Online poker site Absolute Poker is currently collecting money for donation to victims of the recent tsunami in South Asia. The site's Tsunami Relief Fund already totals over $10,000, thanks to the donation of all tournament fees collected on New Year's Day.
"Overall our goal is to raise a minimum of $25,000 to help the victims of this horrific event," said Gian Perroni, Poker Room Manager at Absolute Poker. All funds are going to the International Red Cross.
A special tournament is being held on Wednesday January 5 at 10PM EST to aid those affected by the disaster. All entry fees from the $20 + $5 No Limit Holdem "Tsunami Relief Tournament" will be matched by Absolute Poker and donated to the relief effort. "We hope to see 500 players for this event," said Perroni.
Perroni added that the site has opened up special "donation only" tournament listings in order to allow players to make a donation to the relief fund from their real money account in the amount of their choosing.
Regarding the donation drive, Perroni stated: "We are very proud of the incredible group of players that join us daily at Absolute Poker, and between us we will hopefully be able to make at least a small bit of a difference."