Poker Camp The Latest To Set Up School

The poker bug is clearly spreading across the nation like wild-fire and three poker pioneers have joined forces to offer the first-of-its-kind poker seminars for poker newcomers.
The Poker Camp is a new venture conceived by Anthony and Juli Beebe along with Dylan Simpson, veteran poker players who hope to exploit the niche for poker enthusiasts seeking out their dreams of playing the final table at a major tournament.
"Poker is a sport that truly is available to anyone. While other sports involve a great deal of time mastering skills in order to merely play against the professionals, an average player can compete against a poker professional simply by putting up the entry fee," says Dylan Simpson, co-founder of The Poker Camp.
"Poker players, young and old alike, can get the chance to win a major tournament. Their chances of achieving their dream are even better than winning a major golf tournament, becoming a professional athlete or even winning the lottery."
Dedicated to the education of poker players, The Poker Camp aims to increase the poker enthusiast's skills and enjoyment of tournament poker through educational seminars while increasing the opportunity to make it to the final table.
The Poker Camp seminars are two-day weekend getaways at a resort casino and include lodging, meals, poker workshops, practice, and a tournament with cash prizes. Seminars cover basic and advanced skills, betting strategies and feature a workshop with a major poker professional.
The Poker Camp's debut seminar, The Final Table, takes place January 29-30, 2005, at the Jackson Rancheria in Jackson, California, and focuses on No Limit Texas Holdem Poker.
Antonio "The Magician" Esfandiari, one of poker's hottest stars, is featured as a guest speaker and coach. The youngest player to ever win a million-dollar poker tournament prize - in the L.A. Poker Classic - Esfandiari also landed a gold bracelet in this year's 2004 World Series.
"It's really exciting to be able to offer our first seminar with such a renowned poker champion," says Juli Beebe, operations director for the Poker Camp. "Esfandiari symbolizes the poker enthusiast's dream of making it to and winning at the final table. The essence of The Poker Camp is to help enthusiasts realize their dream, just like Antonio Esfandiari."
The Final Table seminar also features Lee Jones, a 20-year poker veteran, poker room manager at and author of 'Winning Low Limit Holdem,' to coach participants during the workshops and tournament practice.
Registration for The Poker Camp's seminar 'The Final Table at Jackson Rancheria,' January 29-30, 2005, is now open. Packages begin at $1,295. Participants can register (209) 830-6556 for more information.
*Launch of 'The Poker Camp' comes hot on the heels of The World Poker Tour's announcement of its poker-school type tour called the WPT Boot Camp.