Pamela Queen Of The Poker Empire

In an online survey conducted at Empire Poker, 42 percent of those polled voted model/actress Anderson as the celebrity they would most like to play poker against.
"Our players clearly think Pamela Anderson isn't too bright or maybe they just want to ogle her," said Ron Burke, Empire Poker marketing manager.
Dennis Rodman was a distant second with 24 percent, James Woods - the host of HollywoodPoker poker room - shuffled 13 percent, Dave Navarro was picked by 10 percent, skateboarder Tony Hawk and Matt Damon each drew three percent, Donald Trump was selected by two percent and one percent said Ben Affleck. Hank Azaria, Michael Ian Black, Ron Artest, Clay Aiken and Teri Hatcher also picked up votes.
"Many of our respondents also said they felt they could read Dennis Rodman's expressions and didn't think he would be very competitive," said Burke in a recent statement. "Only one percent of our players said they would want to play against Ben Affleck. Apparently, his poker skills precede him."
Well, maybe not. When asked which celebrity would be most likely to cheat at poker, 37 percent of those surveyed chose Affleck. "Our players clearly see Ben Affleck and James Woods as no-nonsense, hardcore poker players and it's quite interesting that they would seem to be the most likely to cheat," said Burke.