Older, wiser and healthier

A Yale University study has found that recreational gamblers aged 65 and older are reported to be in better health than their peers who don't gamble.
The older gamblers also reported less alcoholism, depression, bankruptcy and imprisonment than younger recreational gamblers according to Yale epidemiologist Rani Desai who said:
"There's this whole concept of healthy aging - that folks who continue to remain engaged in activity, especially in the community and in social activities, stay healthier longer, so I think this is a reflection of that. It's not that gambling makes you healthy, it's that gamblers are healthier."
The survey of 2,400 people relied on the participants to report their gambling habits, health and other personal information. A survey firm called all the participants, and Yale researchers crunched the numbers. The findings were published in the September issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry.