Anniversary Special $300 + $25 has a great offer again! Every one of you can become a winner. Every player can win entry into all the three Anniversary Special $300 + $25 Tournament. So, get ready for a great game!
When: August 6th (9:00 PM ET).
August 7th (10:00 PM ET).
August 8th (5:30 PM ET).
Game: No Limit Hold'em.
To Enter:
? Anniversary Special Qualifier Sit & Go Multi-Table Tournament $18 + $2.
? Anniversary Special Qualifier Single Table Sit & Go Tournament $36 + $3.
? Anniversary Special Sub Qualifier Single Table Sit & Go Tournament $9 + $1.
? Anniversary Special Qualifier Multi-Table Tournament $10 + $1.
? Direct buy-in = $300 + $25
Players can win entries into all the three Anniversary Special $300 + $25 Tournament. Players with three or less entries have to play all their entries. Players who have more than three entries into the Anniversary Special $300 + $25 Tournament will be refunded the extra entries into their accounts by August 11th.
Other Attractions
The top 40% players (in terms of rank obtained) finishing in each Anniversary Special will be registered for a $100K Anniversary Freeroll to be held on August 15th and 9:15 PM ET)
The first 2000 unique players to register and participate across the 3 anniversary specials will be registered for a $25K Anniversary Early Bird Freeroll to be held on August 14th at 4:15 PM ET.
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