Special Offer For All Video Poker Lovers!

Casino On Net - the biggest casino online suggests you a unique opportunity to take part in new tournament and win $1500!
Every Wednesday throughout the month of February (starting February 11th) Casino On Net gives Video Poker Lovers a chance to win up to $1500!
Get your racing gear together as there is going to be a 'Relay Race' and you can run away with a tidy $500 bonus at each cash stop!
Here's how it works:
Play Casino-on-Net's exciting Video Poker and for each $5 wagered, we will give you a ticket.
For example:
- 5 bets at $5 each = $25 which gets you 5 tickets (25 divided by 5)
- 2 bets at $5 each = $10 which gets you 2 tickets (10 divided by 5)
At the end of EACH event, we will award the 50 players with the most tickets bonuses as follows:
- Top 3 = $500[*]Next 7 = $250[*]Next 10 = $100[*]Next 30 = $50
And that's not all! The more events you play in, the better your chances to be in the top 50 as there will be a handicapping system.
Here's how it works:
- If you play 2 events, at the end of your second event, we will add 25 tickets on your existing ticket total for that day.[*]If you play 3 events, at the end of your third event, we will add 50 tickets on your existing ticket total for that day.
This means that if you follow the series, you can boost your ticket total on the day of each event to improve your chances of winning.
Simple Rules:
1. Deposit a minimum of $50 on the day of the event.
2. Don't forget that this event will also be played on February 18 & 25
And also the special offer for all BlackJack players!
A three-pronged war game of wits with over $8000 in booty!
How does it work?
Well, each attack is set at a different betting limit.
To make it among the Titans, you must:
- Be one of the 35 players who accumulate the highest number of Bonus Points from each attack[*]Follow the wager requirements for each attack during the specified times.
It is not too late to join game and win!
Click here and download free software!