Fox Finds Gamblers Watch in Bear Market

Online poker- it’s ruthless and it’s every man for himself!
"The World Series of Poker" on ESPN is the biggest surprise hit ever to air during bull rally during an overall bear market. At least that’s what Fox News thinks and they believe that the overall economy effects television viewer’s choice of programming.
The theory behind the popularity of "The World Series of Poker" is that the economic ruthlessness exhibited by the consumer/viewer during a rally in a bear market is reflected by the cut-throat competition for the prize money on a show like "The World Series of Poker". The viewer relates to the television program and accepts its message as reality since it mirrors the viewer’s day to day experiences.
Conversely, a show like "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire" is most popular during times of peak economic growth where earning money in the stock market is as easy as earning a million dollars by answering a few trivia questions on TV.