Off the Felt with Joseph Cheong: Hobbies, Christmas Lists and Spit Bubbles

Off the Felt is interviewing your favorite poker players to find out a little bit about their lives �� you got it, off the felt. Recently, resident third-place finisher Joseph Cheong sat down with PokerNews and gave us insight into his relaxed and easygoing lifestyle, not knowing what he��ll be doing further than a week's time, what he wants from Santa, and his not-so-hidden talent.
What is your favorite tournament spot?
I would probably have to say the Rio [in Las Vegas] because that��s where I��ve won the most money.
Where is your favorite vacation destination?
I don��t vacation very much or all the time. I guess Las Vegas. I just came back from Montreal, but it was a little too cold for me �� lots of snow is not for me.
What are some of your hobbies away from the table?
Recently, nothing. I have been playing poker 24/7. Back in the day before poker, I would play tennis. I probably can��t play a whole set right now because I��m sure I��m a little rusty and out of shape.
Can you tell me the most ridiculous prop bet you have ever initiated or been involved in?
I don��t really do prop bets. Little side things here and there, but nothing crazy.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can blow spit bubbles. One day, I had a bubble on my tongue, spit it out, and it floated. I can show you if you want to see.
Thanks, but I��ll take your word for it. What is something you want people to know about you?
I want everyone to know this... I hate Breaking Bad and Lord of the Rings.
If you could pick anyone to play you in a movie, who would it be?
Jackie Chan. Other than the resemblance, he could make me look a lot cooler with his martial arts moves.
What��s your greatest poker achievement?
It would definitely be third place at the [2010 World Series of Poker] Main Event.
What would you be doing if you weren��t playing poker?
You know, I��m trying to figure that out myself. I ask myself this a lot since I��m thinking of retiring. I always say that I��ll retire by the time I��m 30, but we��ll see if I actually ever follow through. I think I would be living out in Asia for a little while, trying to learn a new language. It would be either Japan or Korea since I am Korean. I feel I should know another language, but I don��t.
What is next on your poker calendar?
I��m thinking about the World Poker Tour in China, but if that falls through, then the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure in January.
Ski or snowboard?
I am better at skiing, but I��d like to snowboard to fit in �� it seems cooler.
Are you planning any winter trips?
I��m hoping to be in China. I don��t really plan further than a week out, so I don��t really know yet. I just kind of go with the flow.
Have you been playing any high-stakes cash games?
Nope. Strictly tournament.
What��s on your Christmas list?
First place in a tournament would be nice. I have been getting third and fourth, but getting first would be great. To be really fun, I would like to one day buy an island, maybe a private jet.
Notre Dame or Alabama?
I��m not much into football, but I��ve heard of Notre Dame more, so I guess I'll go that way.
How will you spend New Years?
There are a number of things that can happen. I��m not much of a club-scene guy, so something fun with friends. Nothing has been decided yet. It usually involves drinking, I know that much.
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