Another Controversial Situation Erupts

Over at Table 6, the floor was called over. After some talk that we couldn't quite hear from over at the press desk, the floor apparently made a ruling Ilan Boujenah didn't like. At first, Boujenah shouted in English, but soon he switched over to French, a language the floor understood as well.
Boujenah had received a two-hand penalty, and this was what he was so upset about. Walking barefoot, he was furiously lifting his hands in the air out of dispair. He took his straw hat and angrily slammed it on the table. Boujenah wasn't happy, so much was clear.
Antoine Abou Khalil later explained us what happened, while he was shooting a video of Boujenah on the rail who was still kicking a fuss.
Apparently, on a board of , Boujenah's opponent had pushed all in. That made the decision up to Boujenah, who had a hard time making up his mind. It took so long that someone called the clock. Eventually, with the countdown already underway, Boujenah had made a forward motion with his chips in the air �� sort of a pump fake �� but it wasn't ruled as a call. Instead, it was ruled that Boujenah was using the move to gain an edge in the hand as an "angle shot" and he received a two-hand-penalty .