Baumstein Pops Bubble
Level 11
: 500/1,000, 100 ante
Action folded to Scott Baumstein in the small blind who made it 2,000 to go. The player in the big blind three-bet the action to 6,200 and Baumstein replied by moving 40,000 into the middle. The big blind sat and pondered for quite some time before announcing a call. This was, however, not a call for all of his chips, as he still had several thousand behind.
The flop came and Baumstein announced all in. His opponent called and after action at other tables was finished, their hands were turned over:
The turn was the , ending it there and bursting our bubble. The board finished with the
and Baumstein's set of queens was officially able to burst the bubble. He'll return tomorrow with a sizable stack of 128,800.