Big Slick Fails Negreanu, Out in 20th

With a below-average stack, Mauro Stivoli opened for 23,000 from the cutoff, and Daniel Negreanu, sitting to his left on the button, promptly announced he was all in for his last 171,000. It folded back around and Stivoli went into the tank. To call would risk much of his stack as well.
While Stivoli thought, Abe Mosseri wandered over to take a look, and Negreanu engaged him in conversation. Finally Stivoli called, tabling . Negreanu flipped over
The flop came , immediately snatching the advantage away from Negreanu by giving Stivoli a pair of nines. The turn was the
and river the
, and Negreanu leaves in 20th place.
"You're a sick sweater, Abe!" said Negreanu to Mosseri as he jumped up and took off to rejoin Event No. 42 (the $10K PLO). Stivoli now has about 425,000.