Kassela Knocked Out, Assured Share of WSOP POY

In the second hand back from the break, Frank Kassela raised to 17,000 from middle position, and it folded around to the blinds. The player in the small blind reraised all in, then the big blind -- who had both players covered -- went all in as well.
Kassela showed , the player in the small blind showed
, and the BB tabled
The flop came , giving the SB the one queen left in the deck to make his set. The big blind immediately began calling for spades, and one came on the turn, the
. The dealer then burned a card and dealt fifth street -- the
! The flush came in, and two players, including Frank Kassela, were eliminated.
By making the cash, Kassela ensures himself at least a share of the WSOP Player of the Year title. And if Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi doesn't win the whole ball of wax, Kassela will take the POY outright.
The main feature table is waiting to fill some empty seats right now. Mizrachi, by the way, is sitting on 92,000.