Savage Doubles and Receives Penalty

Matt Savage is one of - if not the - most well known Tournament Directors in the world having worked for many different companies; including the World Series of Poker.
You would think that someone that possessed his expertise would know the rules better than any, but there is always that first time . . .
Matt Savage has just been issued a penalty by one of the Tournament Directors!
Catching the action on a board reading Matt Savage moved all in over an opponent's bet, but thinking that his all in was covered by his opponent's bet, he exposed his hand.
The nearby Tournament Director was informed of what had happened and ruled that Savage would be issued a penalty once the hand had been completed.
Savage's opponent called the additional few thousand tabling his to be trailing Savage's
The on the river ensured Savage the double up to 24,000, but not before he would be forced to hand over his Harrah's Total Rewards card for breaking Section VI, Rule 94; A player exposing his or her cards with action pending will incur a penalty, but will not have a dead hand. The penalty will begin at the end of the hand. All players at the table are entitled to see the exposed card(s), if requested.
"That's my first penalty ever!" Savage claimed to our PokerNews reporter in a semi-excited tone.
"Well at least I doubled" Savage added before beginning his orbit hiatus from the table.